We are a provider for the support of commercial aviation, military, business jets, cargo planes, and helicopters. Today, we support our customers and partners worldwide with innovative solutions, RnD, and comprehensive curated services from a strong UAE base: i) PRODUCTION (MACHINING AND FABRICATION, PLASTIC AND HONEYCOMB, CURTAINS AND CARPETS, LEATHER AND FABRIC, OTHER PRODUCTS; ii) REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE (HYDROGRAPHIC PRINTING, PLASTIC AND HONEYCOMB, GALLEY EQUIPMENT, REFURBISHMENT AND RESTORATION, OTHER REPAIRS); iii) VIP REFURBISHMENT; iv) MILITARY WORK; v) CAMOUFLAGE NETS; IN FLIGHT TROLLEYS; etc.

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Informations détaillées sur le vendeur

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Aircraft’s interior cleaning, repairing and maintenance:

Produits apparentés

Etiquettes : MRO145, Aircraft maintenance, Leasing, park out, recycling, spare parts, interior cleaning